Friday, April 3, 2009

There's A New Writer In Town

Greetings, fellow fans of beer, sandwiches, and BK. I have been begging BK for years to let me write on this blog and he finally has caved. (Ok, so I asked him for the first time about 7 minutes ago, but I wanted to make this occasion seem a little more like the culmination of ages of perseverance.) It seems as though Bryan has been a little behind...ahem, 6 I wanted to help out. I know how much I love remotely sharing in his yeasty escapades as a reader, so my goal now is to help provide twice the pleasure as a participant. I mean, come drinking is not a spectator sport (although many ideas spawned whilst drinking copious amounts of suds would likely qualify as such).

Now, I live in Boston which is a hotbed of great local microbrews, so plan on a whole mess of New England libations. What makes this even better is that in two months, I am moving to Cambridge where I will happen to reside a mere fifty feet from this place where they advertise two critical things right on their home page: "home of the sandwich hall of fame" and "Wrap Free since 2006". There are two concepts I can stand behind. (Yes, I have eaten there already, and yes, it was fantastic.) More to come in June when I have a chair there so oft occupied that it will have molded perfectly to my cheeks.

As my office does not support the idea of drinking at work, the first photo and discussion will have to wait until tonight, but don't you worry. I have a signature Boston one coming at you soon...

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